Sunday, 30 January 2011

Using drawings in Illustrator and using colour

 Working with a colour scheme of bold and pungy colour, but also with some softer tones, I experimented with my drawings to see which work the best.

For the hair colour I will use black as it works the best as it looks more simple and always me to be able to use more colours for the clothing.

And my chosen character, arms raised to the side for getting change.

The snow clothes separate items:

 Experimenting with the colours, and swapping them around. I wanted her clothes to be very colourful and bright as she is the main focus of the sequence. It also reflects warmth, that her clothes will keep her warm when out in the cold environment.

 After asking people which they thought worked best, we came to agreement that this with the green jacket will be the colours used:

 The items will have to be on separate layers to be able to manipulate and move separately in After Effects

I created a background to make it look as if she is in her bedroom, I wanted to keep the colours more soft and plain, as to not distract form the girl. The colours seem to work well with both the pj's and the snow gear

The snowflake - simple white with the blue of the sky. I have kept the sky quite a pale colour to show it is daytime.

Image for the girl sliding down the banister:

The opening scene of the title sequence will be when she wakes up in bed:

The pink theme to her room follows through with the same colours for the bed sheet, walls and curtains

The staircase and banister that the girl will slide down:

Her house and experiments with other colours
Or I could use the different colours for each house in the street.

The trees that will be be in the background on outside scenes

Street with houses and trees

A car that could be parked as she walks down the street

Making a snowball:

The snowball that she throws at her friend:

Riding in the sledge:

Snow Angel:

Experimenting with colours for the boy:

Chosen colours and stop motions for making the snow angel:

More boy images:


Thursday, 27 January 2011

Feedback from Second Crit

Some feedback from Sarah, Nick, Nick and Rob:

Contextual Understanding - Comment on the quality, quantity and method of research into appropriate contextual references and source material:
-Lots of research into the visual style which would be appropriate for audience
-Some research into how snow is depicted in cartoons, different styles as well
-Close understanding of the experience of snow - much based on personal experience 
-Look at animations/cartoons to do with snow, how it is communicated
-how does research into snow back up and help with subject matter, look into games played in the snow more, what people wear (clothing).
-Look at 'The Snowman' story and Calvin and the Hobbs Christmas Special
-Look into more snow scene related animations (The Snowman - must see)

Concept development - Comment on the thematic content and its appropriateness to the brief. Has it been thoroughly explored, critically analyzed and creatively interpreted?
-What are the top 10 games - define
-Safety aspect of snow and games in the snow might be a better route, lots of options, we can't think of 10 snow games but we can think of lots of safety things to do with snow which kids should know about.
-Snow related drawings give developments and strong backbone

-What are the top 10 games?
-Where does the safety aspect fit?
-Stay safe in the snow incorporating particular games - educational/imstructional
-What are the top 10 snow games. How can they be very simply communicated?
-More storyboards needed

Visual Development - Comment on the visual content and its appropriateness to the brief. Has it been thoroughly explored, critically analysed and creatively interpreted?
-Work well and appropriate for audience
-Good structure and planning behind the illustrations
-brilliant, expressive characters vectors, but where is the scarf, if its cold and snowy?
-can you play with clothing and surrounding objects to imply snow/cold
-To think about how the characters will beanimated
-Make decision about colour
-Storyboards need to show time and how long movements will take
-More experimentation - typography
 -How will the characters be animated. Will they be 2D or given a three dimensionality

Additional Comments-
-Sounds - how will you get snow sounds?
-How will colour be used? Ice cold frsh blues and warm colour for the clothing
-Render tests in AE

Action Plan-
-Define concept
-Look/research more relevant snow themed visuals (cartoons with snow/scenes)
-More detailed (time) storyboards
-Colours and type
-How will the characters move and interact
-How safety aspect fits in
-Games playe din snow
-What are the Top 10 things to do in the snow?

Type Module - Lesson 3

Anti BNP Meeting - Flyer Design

I had to create a flyer for an Anti BNP meeting taking place in Leeds considering elements such as typeface, hierarchy, context, pt size.
The size of the flyer is A5 so I have done a design for the front and reverse side.
The heading shoudl be the first thing you look at so it is important to get the right personality for the type
The personality for it should be important, urgent, and serious as it represents the nature of the topic. Uppercase, bold, black ans sans serif will also contribute to the impact of the heading, and being a more condensed typeface will mean the pt size can be larger in scale, making it more effective.


Arranging the funding logos:
This is an important element to consider, as the separate companies will all want their logo to be the largest and stand out more. However, some of the logos are more dominant with their darker background so these can afford to be smaller in scale than the others, as they are still eye catching to the viewer. It is also important to try and make the logos 'disappear' so they do not become a main focal point on the flyer.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Image ideas

A few ideas for images in the title sequence and idents:

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Storyboard Ideas

Storyboard for Snow Day Title Sequence:
I created this to show the sequences that happen on snow day. The main actions that I wanted to include...
1. Waking in bed
2. Opening curtains and seeing the snow
3. Changing into snow gear
4. Going out in the snow
5. Walking in the snow, and finding friends
6. Making snowmen
7. Throwing snowballs
8. Making snow angels
9. Sledging
10. Sliding on the snow/ice
11. Drinking hot chocolate (Maybe)

Rough Storyboard idea:

Storyboard defined a bit more:

Another storyboard changing the character activities and movement within the frame:

Thursday, 20 January 2011