Thursday, 8 December 2011

Brief 2 - Magazine Promotion

I want to use the animal stencil and the colour gradients across all media to keep the concept consist. However I will do so in different ways.

For the magazine promo, I want 4 posters (one for each book) that work as a set. The designs have a bit less information than the mail outs - so they have more impact - yet they still direct the consumer to the web page where they can purchase a tool. It is important that the paper medium is used within the design and so it is not just purely digital, as fedrigoni is a paper manufacturer and they want to keep this medium alive. So Instead of using a flat black colour I used a black card texture, and with the stencils I cut through this and did bait of Photoshop to make create a bit of depth within the cut outs. The gradients cover the background and work nicely around the edges of the paper too, making it stand out more as paper. This could have been laser cut and photographed but it was less time consuming to mock up, and it still works well. The rest of the type is in in white to stand out from the black. I think the posters look professional and promote the Fedrigoni tool well.

Open publication - Free publishing - More magazine

The slack card texture used:

The posters will be A4 size, so I will photograph them on silk paper to get that glossy appearance in my photographs

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