Monday, 5 December 2011

Brief 4 - Waven - Plantable Card

I had the idea of having a swing tag as a plantable card, that the consumer can use to grow their own cotton - which marks the start of the denim process.

Th idea is that denim 'bloom's and gets better over time, the more it is worn - this represents the growth of the cotton crop. It also lets the consumer go back to the origin of denim - and sees it at its most organic point.

The product will also be sustainable and eco-friendly with it being reusable and biodegradable stock. This complies with modern materials and means the brand itself has an eco-friendly image and is conscious about the environment.

The card will have to have instructions on how to grown the cotton so I looked at step by steps of doing this as this will be the easiest way of understanding the process.

Grow your own Cotton:

Step 1: Prepare Pot - Fill your pot 2/3 full with compost soil and keep in a warm place above 14°C with splenty of sunlight.

Step 2: Plant Card - Plant the attached card upright, and cover with more soil so it is about 2.5cm below the surface.

Step 3: Water
After planting the card, water the surface. You should not water them again until 5 weeks after the plant has emerged. Then water once every 10 days.

Step 4:Grow
Stop watering the plant altogther 16 weeks after planting the card. This will cause the plant to dry up and shed it’s leaves. The buds will burst open, revealing the cotton fibre.

Click Here 

When considering the designs for this, it is a piece of information graphics to needs to be easy to follow and made to look interesting and inspiring.

I used the step-by-step instructions in a list form with the use of images to represent each one of the four stages and break the steps up a bit. However, I don't feel that the images worked well for the designs and for the brand itself. I also experimented with typeface to try and get the right feel for the brand, being quirky and contemporary, and I think the typeface that I have used for the tagline (Pirulen Rg) works the best as it keeps consistency with the brand, I used it for the headers and I have used Tahoma for the body text. These two typefaces seem to work well and are clear and easy to read.

The scale off the instructions page will cover a double page on the inside of the swing tag measuring 105 x 148mm (portrait works better than landscape)
When the swing ticket is folded shut it measures 74 x 105mm

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