Tuesday 1 February 2011

Top 10 - After Effects Tests

This is the part of the title sequence after she realizes it is snowing outside.
I have only made subtle changes so that her mouth's smile get bigger, and her eyebrows raise upwards, but I think these are quite effective.
She is missing her freckles..but this was just a test.

Snow Smile from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

I then used this previous sequence, and used zoomed out so that you could see her full body, this will be the bit before she changes to her snow gear. I used 'easy ease' as it zooms out, to make the motion flow better.

Snow Smile Zoom out from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

In this I included a background so it looks as if she is in her bedroom. The in between section were it suddenly jumps from her pj's to her snow clothes' will be filled with stop motion of her arms moving out to the sides, and then a mask will move vertically down the frame removing the pj's picture with the snow clothes, so her clothes change.

Smile/Change with background from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

In this sequence, the girls clothes change, with the use of a mask that moves vertically down the screen and as it goes over the girl her clothes change to snow gear. The other accessories move on faster, because it is a rush to get changed. And then she runs off screen, again to emphasise her wanting to get outside as fast as possible.

Changing Clothes & Running Off from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Falling Snowflake Experiments:

Snow from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Falling snowflakes with a blue sky background and another layer of smaller snowflakes:

Snowflakes from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Opening scene - girl waking up in bed:

Bed Yawn from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

I then put a motion blur onto her arms as they move upwards, to make it look faster and more 'real':

Bed Yawn - Blur from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

A test opening the curtains and zooming into the window -

Curtains Open from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Opening curtains and with snow -

Curtains and Snow from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

With the girl opening curtains and then she fades out as it zooms into the window. I also slowed down the snow as it was moving too fast -

Girl Open Curtains and Snow from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

The girl sliding down the banister, this will be the scene between her getting changed and the street scene. Simple and fun:

Banister Slide from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

The first street scene - starts off looking into the sky and then moves down to see the houses - the girl then runs down the street before getting to a field wear her friend is. The snowflakes are yet to be added:

Outside Street Scene from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

The street scene - I changed the movement of the houses were they first come frame, so they move abit more upwards slightly and then down slightly.
The girl throwing a snowball is also added, but I don't really like the image of the girl, I will have to draw another image and then use a seperate layer for her arms as it throws the snowball.

Street Scene & Snowball Throw from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Sledging scene - comes towards the viewer down the hill, the next scene will be the viewer in the sledge:

Sledging Scene from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Boy making a snow angel - I used stop motion in this scene

Snow Angel from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

Viewer in the sledge scene-
I slightly chanegd this from the storyboard so the sledge seems like it is turning rather than jsut going straight down a hill, then the boy slides past and throws a snowball at you, as if revenge for her chucking it at him when he was making a snowman.
This is a fun scene and I think it would be good to use on an ident as it gets the fun element of snow day across quite clearly yet simple.

Sledge Ride from Kirsty Hair on Vimeo.

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